US Free Markets

Remember Who YOU Work For and STOP Trying To Dictate Our Lives Any Longer!

Help us STOP the Radial Lefts Power-grab of
our Largest Government Institutions.

Do you want to live in a world where you can make your own choices? Where you have the freedom to pursue your dreams, raise your family and live a life that is free from government intervention?
We do too. That's why we've launched support independent conservatives win 2024.
Our goal is to help you learn about the benefits of conservative ideals, so you can make informed decisions at the polls in 2024.
Why be conservative? Here are just some of the reasons:
- Freedom of Speech
- Free Markets
- Live Free Be Free

Local School Boards

Do you have a child in school?  Well get involved help us stop (CRT) critical race theory. Which is a total joke.

refund the police

Your Protection is our top Priority as an Elected official. We Have taken an Oath To Uphold and Abide by our great Constitution.

vote conservatives

Support True Conservatives They Will Take Our Country Back. Give Your Support Make Sure To Vote Smart. 

Are you a freedom-loving American voter who wants to support the conservative movement in 2024?

We’re here to tell you that we have the best reasons for supporting free market capitalism. We offer top reasons for being a conservative, and the best reasons for supporting free speech.

Live free with God’s worldly life’s freedoms.

Free markets are good for everyone. They allow people to be free to chose their own way of lives, and live freely with the protections of our constitution and bill of rights.

Make Sure You Vote In Our Next Presidential
Election November, 5th 2024.


Make Any Donation AMOUNT!


The use of the name, images, and likeness of any committee, candidate, or officeholder is protected by our First Amendment Rights Freedom of Speech under the United States Constitution as a registered 527 Non-Profit Organization. This website is intended solely for political communication purposes and in no way indicates any authorization by, affiliation with, direction from, or endorsement by any such person or committee. All contributions are used exclusively for political advertisement purposes and do not in any way directly influence any political candidate or committee. By proceeding with this donation, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to GCAF terms and conditions: © Copyright 2024 All Rights Reserved. GOD CHOSE AMERICA FIRST FREEDOM FIGHTERS™ (527 pending)